Jay Z’s Hillary Rally Performance Was Outrageous, Offensive, and Deserving of Public Outcry

[On November 4] in my home state of Ohio, Hillary Clinton had a rally in which controversial performing artist, JAY Z, parachuted into our state to perform and attempt to energize Ohio Democratic voters. During his controversial performance, in which he uttered one expletive after another, including vile words attacking women, Jay Z said that Donald Trump was to divisive to be president. Yet this is the same “artist” and Clinton supporter, who in his video, “No Church In The Wild,” opens with an unruly mob lighting and tossing Molotov cocktails at police officers, followed by vicious attacks and rioting against those police officers. This seems a rather odd Hollywood elitist choice for Mrs. Clinton to fly in and attack Donald J. Trump as divisive.

Jay Z is her idea of displaying unity?

Once again the Clinton campaign is associating with people who incite violence while blaming the Trump campaign for being divisive. Absurd and sick.

It is utterly despicable that Hillary Clinton would associate herself with such an individual much less have him as a featured guest and performer at her campaign events. Jay Z is hardly the role model we want for future generations. His disgusting and vile language and songs, and his own divisive nature, suggest anything but unity.

Hillary Clinton and the Clinton campaign should be ashamed of themselves, and they should apologize to the people of Ohio. If featuring someone from the liberal Hollywood elite with such a vile nature who produces music and videos of mobs attempting to attack and harm our nation’s finest is Mrs. Clinton’s idea of a call for unity, it is nothing short of disgusting and divisive in and of itself. If this is an example of Mrs. Clinton’s rallying cry for unity, electing her president will bring four more years of division and gridlock and utter devastation for our great country. Lots on the line on Tuesday. Lots on the line.

Photo credit: CHANNEL90seconds newscom screenshot

KenBlackwell_2Ken Blackwell is the former mayor of Cincinnati, Treasurer and Secretary of State for Ohio, undersecretary at the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, and U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Human Rights Commission.

The views expressed in opinion articles are solely those of the author and are not necessarily either shared or endorsed by Black Community News.

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  1. Pandering to the Black youth.

  2. I pray that God will not judge us so harshly as to allow her to become president!

  3. I’m sure they used JayZee to try to get the younger Black voters out to vote. I do not understand how Christian women I know who are so opposed to Trump because of his behavior with women in the past (& I don’t support that behavior) can then turn around and vote for Hillary whose husband should have gone to jail for rape, sexual assault etc. She has protected Bill and even tried to destroy the women who simply told the truth about his bad behavior. Then she & the Obama’s with their holier than thou attitudes about Trump, turn around and praise Beyonce as a good role model and use Jay Zee & his filthy mouth and anti God attitude as entertainment. These people are so sick.

  4. Bravo to you Sir for your honest and “United we stand” opinion. Much respect for you!!!