Judge Issues Ruling in Case Against Baltimore Cop Charged With Murder in Freddie Gray’s Death

OfficerGoodsonOfficer Caesar Goodson, one of the six Baltimore police officers indicted in Freddie Gray’s death, faced the most serious charge of second-degree murder.

Today a judge acquitted him acquitted of all charges.

From CBS:

Goodson waived his right to a trial by jury. His bench trial began June 9 and final arguments were heard Monday.

Gray, a 25-year-old black man from the Sandtown area of Baltimore, died of his injury on April 19, 2015. A week earlier, Baltimore City police officers put him in the back of Goodson’s van, handcuffed and shackled, but unrestrained by a seat belt.

Three other officers — Officer Garrett Miller, Lt. Brian Rice and Sgt. Alicia White — have not yet been tried.

Officer Edward Nero was acquitted in May, and Officer William Porter’s trial ended in a hung jury and mistrial last year. Three of the indicted officers are suing state’s attorney Marilyn Mosby. Allegations include defamation of character, invasion of privacy, false imprisonment, and malicious prosecution.


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