Archive: CA Attorney General Kamala Harris’s Conflicts of Interest In Pro-Lifer’s Case

This article was originally published in April 2016. In the summer of 2015, a group called the Center for Medical Progress, co-founded by pro-lifer David Daleiden, began releasing secretly recorded videos of Planned Parenthood officials discussing selling the parts of aborted babies.

The California attorney general’s Department of Justice raided a pro-lifer’s home earlier this week. David Daleiden’s organization, the Center for Medical Progress, ran a series of videos in which operatives posed as tissue buyers and secretly recorded Planned Parenthood employees discussing and even joking about the sale of aborted-baby body parts. The government seized Planned Parenthood videos and some of Daleiden’s personal items.

At least one abortionist seemed to admit doing procedures that sound like illegal partial-birth abortions to get intact baby parts.

For his part in the exposure, Daleiden and another colleague were indicted by a Texas grand jury for tampering with a government record (fake IDs) and buying human organs, though they obviously were not.

But there are serious conflicts of interest in this case. Attorney General Kamala Harris advocates for abortion and Planned Parenthood, and she’s received donations that raise questions about bias. From the Federalist:

Last year, Harris publicly spoke out against Senate Republicans for attempting to defund the nation’s largest abortion provider, and applauded Planned Parenthood’s work. She also supported a California bill, which was signed into law last year, that forces crisis pregnancy centers to inform their clients of where they can get an abortion.

As The Federalist reported, the district attorney who indicted Daleiden has received more than $25,000 in campaign contributions from the defense attorney for abortionist Douglas Karpen, who has been described as the Kermit Gosnell of Texas.

And there’s more. Harris is also running for the U.S. Senate. On her campaign site, she’s asking people to give her money to prevent pro-life lawmakers from defunding Planned Parenthood.

Photo credit: American Life League (Creative Commons) – Some rights reserved

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