Katrina Jackson, Black Democrat Who Pushes Pro-Life Legislation

Blacks who vote for Democrats tend to be “pro-choice,” and those who aren’t figure that voting for the abortion party is the lesser of two evils.

For Christians of all colors, “pro-life” should be the only abortion-related label they’re willing to wear, but some people prefer an ever-growing and intrusive government with more perks over protecting the vulnerable and voiceless unborn.

And that’s a shame.

Every now and then, pro-life liberal lawmakers are proactively pro-life. Katrina Jackson, a Louisiana state representative, wrote a bill that requires abortionists to obtain admitting privileges to a hospital within 30 miles, and licensing for those who kill more than five babies a year. The bill also requires abortionists to disclose certain information about the unborn baby. In May, the Unsafe Abortion Protection Act passed the legislature with “overwhelming” bipartisan support. (Do you remember hearing about it? Neither do I.) All Governor Bobby Jindhal has to do is sign it.

Life News reports that Rep. Jackson “was heavily criticized for her leadership and determination to get the legislation passed.” She calls abortion the “No. 1 genocide” among blacks and said “why we’re becoming a minority of minorities, is because most of our babies are dying in the womb from abortions.”

Rep. Jackson alluded to something that would help all Americans, but particularly blacks: supporting policies that shrink government, not expand it. Hand-ups, not hand-outs.

“I’m very passionate, especially when you’re looking at the African-American community, because those in the pro-choice community have been attempting to sell us on abortion being a way out for women who can’t afford to have their baby.”

Indeed, they have. Most Planned Parenthood clinics are located in low-income areas, purportedly as a resource for black women who might not have financial access to doctors who kill babies.

The black abortion rate is one racial disparity black “leaders” don’t seem to care about at all. Kudos to women like Rep. Katrina Jackson, who do.

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One comment

  1. God bless you Ms. Jackson! This country, world needs more leaders with your conservative views. Just curious, why are you a democrat??