Cincinnati Reds Minority Owner Ken Blackwell Said Commissioner Implied Baseball Fans Need to Punished Over New Georgia Voting Law

Major League Baseball (MLB) has moved its all-star game out of Atlanta to Denver to protest Georgia’s new voting law that protects the integrity of the voting process. The MLB has faced a backlash. Even liberals have complained that the people most hurt by this decision are minorities. The city of Atlanta is majority black, and black small business owners and workers have already suffered financially because of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Ken Blackwell, senior Fellow for Human Rights and Constitutional Governance at the Family Research Council, former mayor of Cincinnati, former Secretary of State for Ohio, and minority owner of the Cincinnati Reds, recently appeared on Fox News to talk about what he calls the commissioner’s mistake.

Blackwell mentioned his deep roots with professional baseball and with the Reds. He said that the MLB has had a history of leading by example just like the military; however, the commissioner, Rob Manfred, “condemned some common-sense reforms that are pretty commonplace throughout other cities that are homes to other Major League Baseball teams.” Manfred “bought into the narrative that these reforms were suppressive and repressive.” But, Blackwell said, Manfred is starting to realize that “he didn’t do his homework.” He’s led baseball down a $100 million catastrophe that’s spinning back and hurting the people” he supposedly wanted to help.

The new law in Georgia makes it easier to vote and harder to cheat, Blackwell said, and the MLB will pay an economic price. Watch the brief clip for more.


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