Leftists Won’t Like What Gov. Youngkin Has Planned for the ‘Diversity’ Office

The Free Beacon reported that Virginia’s new governor, Republican Glenn Youngkin, has new orders for the state’s so-called Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion.

The new office will be called Diversity, Opportunity, and Inclusion, and the focus will shift from “racial diversity” to economic opportunity, parental rights, and protecting unborn babies. Gov. Youngkin named Angela Sailor, formerly of the Heritage Foundation, as the new executive director. Sailor opposes “critical race theory.”

From the Free Beacon:

Under Northam, the office worked to increase racial diversity in the government and educate Virginia leaders about “systemic inequity and its effects.” Youngkin’s executive order instead directs the office to protect free speech and promote viewpoint diversity in higher education.

Over the weekend, Youngkin’s team scrubbed the “Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion” section from the governor’s website.

On his first day in office, Gov. Youngkin signed an executive order to “restore excellence in education by ending the use of divisive concepts, including Critical Race Theory, in public education.” He wrote that “political indoctrination has no place in our classrooms. The vast majority of learning in our schools involves imparting critical knowledge and skills in math, science, history, reading and other areas that should be non-controversial…Our children deserve far better from their education than to be told what to think.”

CRT ideas and concepts led Loudoun County Schools in Virginia to create the “Student Equity Ambassador Program” and a “Bias Reporting System,” as reported last July. Students are encouraged to “observe and discuss incidents of racist behavior.” Certain students meet with administrators to inform on other students who did and said “racist” things. Other students may do so anonymously.

Three families filed a lawsuit challenging both programs, but a court just granted the school district’s motion to dismiss. We’ll see what the newly elected governor and attorney general will have to say about these programs.

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  1. “Students are encouraged to ‘observe and discuss incidents of racist behavior.’” Wonder if any of them “observed and discussed” Gov. Northam wearing blackface? Or his buddy’s KKK outfit?