LIVE: 2016 Values Voter Summit

The Family Research Council opened their annual Values Voter Summit today, an event held in the nation’s capital where conservatives gather to discuss preserving traditional values, protecting religious freedom and voiceless and vulnerable unborn babies as well as promoting limited government, and more.

The event has featured such speakers as CURE’s Star Parker, Sen. Tim Scott (pictured in the featured image), BCN contributor Ryan Bomberger, House Speaker Paul Ryan, Dr. Ben Carson, and actor Kirk Cameron.

GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump is scheduled to speak in the Friday afternoon session that starts at 2 p.m.

Attendees at this year’s summit watched a screening of Gosnell, a dramatized story about abortionist Kermit Gosnell, presently serving life in prison for killing babies born alive, and a woman. Gosnell neglected patients in his dirty clinic, which hadn’t been inspected in 17 years at the time the world learned about what he did.

Star talked about Gosnell’s atrocities at a previous Values Voter Summit:

Watch Friday’s events live at BCN!

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