WATCH: Lt. Col. Allen West on America's Foreign Policy Shift

“There has never been an administration that’s treated Israel this way and spoken publicly this way about that relationship.”

Lt. Col. Allen West made this comment on Fox News’s “Varney & Co.” in the context of White House Chief of Staff Denis McDonough’s recent remarks about Israel’s “occupation for almost 50 years.”

Stuart Varney said he sees President Barack Obama “tilting away from Israel and towards Iran.” Lt. Col. West agreed.

“We are turning over the Middle East to Iran in every single way, shape, form, and fashion. And they still have four Americans that are being held hostage. The first thing we should have said is that ‘You will release those Americans,'” before we come to the table to have any discussion about nuclear deals. He added that for the president to say he’d veto any congressional sanctions against Iran and any measure that would give Congress a say in the nuclear deal, and that he’s looking to go to the United Nations, is a major shift in foreign policy.

Why is the president doing this? Check out the video to hear what Lt. Col. West thinks.

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One comment

  1. Col West has the Middle East down. He did miss the one White House visitor/advisor to the president having the ‘most influence,’ the Reverend Al “The Sharpie” Sharpton…. We are having trouble with “race relations” in the Middle East, no?