Melissa Flournoy Definitely Doesn’t Like Pro-Lifer Rep. Katrina Jackson

Last week I blogged about Rep. Katrina Jackson, a pro-life lawmaker and Democrat in Louisiana. Rep. Jackson wrote and pushed through a pro-life bill that would raise the standard of care in abortion clinics.

Liberals don’t like it, of course, and the fact that the lawmaker is black probably makes it worse in their eyes.

Why is a black woman resisting abortion, or control over her own body, considering…slavery…Jim Crow…etc.

Never mind the vulnerable and precious life growing inside her. It’s lock-step, or else.

Life News reports that Melissa Flournoy, a director of a Louisiana Planned Parenthood, “jokingly” stated at a documentary screening that she wanted a pro-abortion black woman to kick Rep. Jackson’s “a–.” Tolerance for me but not for thee, right? Flournoy is reportedly the former director now.

Kris Ford, who describes herself as “a queer black femme woman,” took Flournoy to task. She was in the audience when Flournoy made the comment and didn’t like the sic-a-black-woman-on-another-black-woman sentiment (emphasis in original):

Didn’t we JUST get done talking about how hurtful it is for black women to constantly be profiled as dangerous? Violent? Subhuman? How is this helpful? Deon had told us about the police reports she sees where police officers describe black women as primarily “big,” “black,” and “angry.” YOU TURNED AROUND AND DID THE SAME THING. Deon stated that she’s not going to go fight any other black women. She’s not doing this work to go be the black person who can tame other black people for you. None of us are. It was clear that you weren’t getting the answers or feedback that you wanted. I’m sure you were aware of the people expressing their dismay in the background as you charged on to talk at length about how what we REALLY need to just focus on less race stuff and more political stuff.

I certainly understand Ford’s anger. Planned Parenthood responded to Flournoy’s statement:

Melissa Flournoy, the Louisiana State Director, made comments and conducted herself in a manner not at all reflective of Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast’s and Planned Parenthood Federation of America’s values and beliefs. This is absolutely unacceptable and I will take immediate action to address this situation. On behalf of Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast, I offer my sincerest apology to you and others who were in attendance.

We’ve all said things in the heat of the moment that we regret when discussing an issue we’re passionate about. (And what a thing to be passionate about: women killing their own children!) Flournoy’s remarks played into negative stereotypes and demonstrated what we all know: liberals are hypocritically intolerant of people with different views. It’s good to see other liberals calling out their own.

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One comment

  1. Although I am white I joined this site because I strongly support equal rights for all and treat people that way. I am right-to-life and I am very please where you promote RTL and call attention to those who promote it without race as an issue. May God bless you in your work.