Where is Meriam Ibrahim's High-Profile Hashtag Campaign?

MichelleObamaThe Federalist‘s Leslie Loftis makes an excellent point. Given the recent #BringBackOurGirls Twitter hashtag trend over the kidnapped Nigerian girls, she wonders why there isn’t a hashtag campaign for Meriam Ibrahim, a pregnant Christian and mother of a toddler facing execution for marrying a Christian and refusing to deny Christ.

CNN did a few minutes on it last week. ABC had an article. British press is on it with stories in the Daily MailTelegraphHuffPo UKThe Independent. New media is on it as well. PJMedia has four posts. TIME posted an article claiming the story is really about treatment of women, and I think they’ve hit upon why the story hasn’t caught the eye of the Twitterati.

It is easy to ignore the religious motivation for the girls’ kidnapping under the horrible drama of the actual event. But Meriam is in shackles in Sudan because she is a Christian.

For Christian persecution, the US State Department, even at the behest of New Hampshire’s Senators, can hardly even muster a delayed and infamous-as-it-is-ineffective “sternly worded letter.” There is comparatively little press coverage. Not even a hashtag campaign.

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