Momentum Gathers in the U.S. Against Obama's Syrian Refugee Resettlement Plan – UPDATED

SyrianRefugeesMore states have come out against President Barack Obama’s plan to resettle Syrian refugees in the U.S.

Arizona, Arkansas, Florida, Illinois, Indiana, Louisiana, Massachusetts, Mississippi, North Carolina, Ohio, South Carolina, and Wisconsin — in addition to Alabama, Michigan, and Texas — will not accept Syrian refugees in the wake the Muslim terrorist attacks in Paris.

From Fox News:

Despite administration assurances that “robust” vetting will be in place for refugee applicants to the U.S., lawmakers stress that the vetting process is hobbled by the fact that U.S. officials do not have formal cooperation with the Syrian government, making background checks more difficult. 

“I think it would be highly irresponsible to bring in 10,000 Syrian refugees at this point in time,”  [House Homeland Security Committee Chairman Michael] McCaul, R-Texas, told Fox News. 

He said: “We know ISIS in their own words have said ‘we want to exploit this program to infiltrate the West’ and that’s exactly what they did.” 

Even as the world is coming to terms with just how risky it is to accept refugee groups with Islamic terrorists among them, President Barack Obama said that the U.S. does so “only after subjecting them to rigorous screenings and security checks. We also have to remember that many of these refugees are the victims of terrorism themselves, that’s what they’re fleeing. Slamming the door in their faces would be a betrayal of our values.”

But how can he or anyone be sure, especially if the refugees don’t have identification? People can lie about anything, including their affiliations and countries of origin. How is the risk of mass casualties part of our values? 

Update: Gov. Nathan Deal of Georgia said his state won’t accept Syrian refugees.

Photo credit: “Slovenska vojska tudi med vikendom v velikem številu pri podpori Policiji 01” by Robert Cotič – Licensed under CC BY 3.0 via Commons.

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