Six Muslim Families in Michigan Wanted to Opt Out of Homosexuality-Based Curriculum — Here’s What Happened

“We came to America because of its rich heritage of protecting religious liberty and the opportunity to raise our children in a place where they have access to success,” a Muslim parent in Michigan said. “We were shocked that our children were being taught material that violates our beliefs, but we’re grateful that the school has granted our opt-out requests.”

The parent, Hodan Hassan, a Somali immigrant, should not have been shocked, given the debauchery in America.

Yes, our country does have a “rich heritage of protecting religious liberty,” but the homosexual lobby is using the power of government to suppress dissent and indoctrinate children. That government schools have been given over shouldn’t shock anyone, but anger everyone.

First Liberty Institute and True North Legal represent six Somali families in the St. Louis Park public school system. Like Christians, Muslims oppose homosexuality and don’t want their children indoctrinated. These families asked to be notified and given the option to opt their kids out of curriculum that includes books about homosexuality.

The school district rejected their requests.

After First Liberty and True North Legal sent letters explaining that the rejection violates the First Amendment and state law, the school district backpedaled and complied with the families’ requests.

“Diversity and inclusion must extend to religious families, too,” said Kayla Toney, associate counsel at First Liberty. “This is why the First Amendment specifically protects religious exercise.”

Protect our children! Join us in this fight and help spread the word.

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