Netanyahu: Iran Shows Again Why It Can't Be Trusted

After his weekly cabinet meeting in Jerusalem, Prime Minister Netanyahu continued to call on the international community to “reassert and fortify its demands for a better deal” on Iran’s nuclear program.

In a public address, the prime minister stated that, “In the last few days, Iran has shown again why it can’t be trusted. Iran insists on maintaining its formidable nuclear capabilities with which is could produce nuclear weapons. Iran insists on removing all sanctions immediately. And Iran refuses to allow effective inspection of all its suspect facilities.”

He went on to address Iran’s “aggression” in the region, later referring to the Islamic Republic as the “foremost sponsor of global terrorism”. He stated “At the same time, Iran continues its unbridled aggression in the region and its terrorism throughout the world.”

He then pointed out the main flaws in the nuclear deal with Iran and world powers with alternatives after President Obama stated Sunday morning that “The Prime Minister of Israel is deeply opposed to it. I think he’s made that very clear. I have repeatedly asked – what is the alternative that you present that you think makes it less likely for Iran to get a nuclear weapon? And I have yet to obtain a good answer on that that.”

Obama stated on negotiations that “we are not done yet” adding, “What we were able to obtain was a political framework between the P5+1 nations and Iran that provided unprecedented verification of what is taking place in Iran over the next two decades that significantly cuts back on its centrifuges, that cuts off pathways for it to obtain a nuclear weapon, and that calls for, in return, the rolling back of sanctions in a phased way that allows us to snap back if Iran violates the agreement.”

Netanyahu responded to these comments by stating ,“So let me reiterate again the two main components of the alternative to this bad deal: First, instead of allowing Iran to preserve and develop its nuclear capabilities, a better deal would significantly roll back these capabilities for example, by shutting down the illicit underground facilities that Iran concealed for years from the international community.”

He then stated the second as “instead of lifting the restriction on Iran’s nuclear facilities and program at a fixed date, a better deal would link the lifting of these restrictions to an end of Iran’s aggression in the region, its worldwide terrorism and its threat to annihilate Israel. “

He addressed Iran’s need for removal of sanctions and a successful deal on its nuclear program. He stated, “Iran needs a deal more than anyone. Instead of making dangerous concessions to Iran, now is the time for the international community to reassert and fortify its original demands for a better deal.

He ended his speech by stating, “We must not let Iran, the foremost sponsor of global terrorism, to have an easy path to nuclear weapons which will threaten the entire world.”

AmirTsarfatiAmir Tsarfati, a Jewish Christian, is the founder and president of Behold Israel, a news site to correct the scarcity in trustworthy reportage on issues and events impacting Israel, and to resolve the uncertainty about who or what to believe.

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