Ohio House OVERRIDES Gov. Mike DeWine’s Veto of Bill That Would Protect Children from Mutilating Surgery and Permanent Sterility

Conservatives were confused that a Republican governor refused to sign the Saving Ohio Adolescents from Experimentation Act (PDF), which has provisions to protect children from “transgender” surgery, puberty blockers, and cross-sex hormones. These drugs could render them permanently sterile.

Governor Mike DeWine of Ohio also chose not to protect girls and women from danger and unfair competition from boys allowed to join their sports teams.

The governor later issued an emergency executive order only to clarify that he also opposes the surgery. He should have just signed the bill.

Fortunately, the legislature defied the governor. The Ohio House of Representatives just overrode his veto.

The state’s Senate will vote on the veto later this month.

“We commend the Ohio House of Representatives for overriding Gov. Mike DeWine’s misguided veto of the SAFE Act,” said Matt Sharp, director of the ADF Center for Legislative Advocacy Biology, “a bill that rejects the politicized and harmful practice of pushing minors towards irreversible drugs and surgeries in favor of compassionate mental health care that gives them time to grow into comfort with their bodies and true identities.”

These children don’t stand a chance if conservative members of our representative government will not fight back against the political and perverted “transgender” agenda.

Photo credit: By Jason H. Salley – Own work, CC BY 3.0, link

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  1. I’ve been shouting it for 15 years – Too Many COWARDLY “repub n so-called conservatives” in authority that wilt vs wickedness vs evil vs the demoncRATic agenda… it’s shameful.
    Grateful for Ohio Legislation to defy this Godless governor.

    • It’s like people have been asleep. I don’t know why parents aren’t trying to tear stuff down over this.

  2. Transgender Children are caused by the Sick and Weak Adults that allow and encourage them!