Ohio School District That Violated a Christian Teacher’s First Amendment Rights Must Pay her $450,000

A federal court ruled in September that the “transgender” policy of a school district, which requires teachers to use opposite-sex pronouns when referring to “transgender” students, is compelled speech.

Vivian Geraghty, represented by Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF), taught at a middle school in Ohio. She asked to opt out of this policy. As a Christian, she believes what the Bible teaches about sexuality and bearing false witness. But the school cared nothing about her religious beliefs and told her she had to “put her beliefs aside as a public servant.” If she continued to refuse to lie, the bureaucrats would fire her for insubordination. Geraghty resigned.

ADF announced that the Jackson Local School District will pay Geraghty $450,000 in damages and attorneys’ fees to settle the lawsuit.

The school district tried to force this Christian to speak a message she opposes. Why does a child’s fantasies about being the opposite sex trump her First Amendment protections?

“No school official can force a teacher to set her religious beliefs aside in order to keep her job,” said Logan Spena, ADF legal counsel. “The school tried to force Vivian to accept and repeat the school’s viewpoint on issues that go to the foundation of morality and human identity, like what makes us male or female, by ordering her to personally participate in the social transition of her students.”

The founding document is clear: our rights are guaranteed, regardless of any perverse and deviant social trend currently in fashion.

Photo credit: Alan Alfaro (Creative Commons) – Some rights reserved

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