Leftist Law Professor Recommends Ban on Homeschooling At a Time When More Parents Are Homeschooling Because of COVID-19

Oh, the irony. The government has shut down schools over the COVID-19 outbreak, and parents of all religions, races, and political affiliations find themselves homeschooling their children out of necessity. At a time when more parents are doing it, some anti-homeschoolers are still raging.

Corey DeAngelis, director of school choice at Reason Foundation, wrote an op-ed in the New York Post about Harvard University law professor Elizabeth Bartholet’s interview with Harvard Magazine. Bartholet recommends a presumptive ban on homeschooling. She believes that such children don’t receive a “meaningful education,” that they’re somehow deprived, and they’re at risk for child abuse.

Bartholet believes it’s “dangerous” for parents to have “total authority” over their own children 24 hours a day, seven days a week, and implies that homeschool children are lacking educationally.

The real problem is that all those kids are missing out on government indoctrination.

“Strangely enough, the article left out the fact that nearly two-thirds of US students aren’t proficient in reading, and that the most rigorous evidence shows that homeschool students tend to fare better academically and socially than do their peers in conventional schools,” DeAngelis wrote. “The article also forgot to mention the 2004 report from the US Department of Education estimating that 1 in 10 students in government schools will experience school-employee sexual misconduct by the time they graduate from high school. By Bartholet’s own logic, she should call for a presumptive ban on government schooling.”

As DeAngelis noted, children belong to their parents, not the government. But Bartholet no doubt would disagree. Homeschooling is a breeding ground for conservative Christian ideas and beliefs.

More parents probably will opt to continue homeschooling when this is all over.

Photo credit: IowaPolitics.com (Creative Commons) – Some rights reserved

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  1. Of course the leftists are upset – they’re afraid homeschooling will catch on, and they’ll no longer be able to indoctrinate so many children into their ideology.

    They’re also worried that parents who are following their kids’ lessons via the Internet are now finding out just how much of that indoctrination is going on in the public schools, and will work to stop it.

    Sunshine is the best disinfectant.

  2. Mortimer Schnerd

    This so called professor does not believe that parents have a right to raise their children as they see fit, that he is the only person that should decide how children are to be raised. He’s a hate mongering fool.

  3. Oh you two are so evil! Honestly though you understand the libertards all too well!