Overcoming 2020 Uncertainties, Looking Forward to 2021 — Watch Cure America Episode 28

Identity politics, broken elections, Georgia’s elections, COVID and church lockdowns, and even secession. This is what we face going into 2021.

In this episode of Cure America with Star Parker, I lead a panel to give a preview of 2021 and what conservatives like you and me must be prepared to do in face of all of these challenges.

Ultimately, we talk about how we have to be committed to something greater than this form of government. Please watch and share this important episode with everyone at your church and your friends on social media.

Guests include William Allen, Chief Operating Officer of the Center for Urban Renewal and Education, Jonathan Alexandre, Attorney and Senior Counsel for Governmental Affairs for Liberty Counsel, Richard Manning, President of the American for Limited Government, and Rev. Tim Latiff, Clergy Director of the Center for Urban Renewal and Education.

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