Close to 100,000 Sign Petitions Urging Atlanta Mayor to Reinstate Kelvin Cochran

KelvinCochran_2_smallerOn Tuesday, Christians gathered at the state capitol in Georgia to support former Atlanta Fire Chief Kelvin Cochran after Mayor Kasim Reed fired him for purportedly handing out copies of his self-published book that echoes the Bible’s teachings on homosexuality and other sins.

Can you imagine the mayor firing the chief had he distributed books condemning the sins of lying and adultery? reports that about 100,000 people have signed petitions urging the mayor to reinstate Cochran:

A petition launched by the National Organization for Marriage says, ““By caving into the radical activists who decided to bully and harass Mr. Cochran, you have sent a message to all Atlanta residents that you will not support their own rights to hold and to express their religious values in the public square, but will sell them out to special interests and powerful lobbies. I urge you to right this wrong and undo the harm done to Mr. Cochran and to all people of faith in Atlanta and throughout the country.”

Regardless of Mayor Reed’s claims, I’d guess that many Christians suspect he terminated Cochran because he was critical of homosexuality. The so-called rights of its proponents and practitioners seem to be waxing as ours are waning.

What exactly did Cochran write that’s so controversial? From

“Uncleanness [is] whatever is opposite of purity; including sodomy, homosexuality, lesbianism, pederasty, bestiality, all other forms of sexual perversion. Naked men refuse to give in, so they pursue sexual fulfillment through multiple partners, with the opposite sex, the same sex and sex outside of marriage and many other vile, vulgar and inappropriate ways which defile their body-temple and dishonor God.”

One huge difference between Christians and “radical” Muslims is that Christians don’t call for homosexuals’ deaths. Instead, they pray for their repentance. We need more black Christians (and black men in general) like Cochran to speak out against the normalization of perversion, the celebration of sin, and the erosion of religious freedom.

Photo credit: FEMA/Bill Koplitz

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  1. Please reinstate the Chief. He has done nothing wrong.

  2. Fire the Mayor,Reinstate the Chief

  3. Reinstate the Chief

  4. Please reinstate the chief.

  5. Why not reinstate the chief sounds like he should be reinstated.

  6. Please reinstate the Chief. He has done nothing wrong.
    (First Amendment & Religious Freedom)

  7. inge & david thrush

    Reinstate the chief. He has free speech rights, and the right to exercise his religion.

  8. This is unacceptable. We need to stand up for our freedom of speech before it is gone.

  9. How dare you do this! Would you have the intestinal fortitude to fire him if he were Muslim and distributed Q’uranic doctines? Shame on you! I hope he sues you and wins!

  10. Reinstate Kevin Cochran. His firing goes against our religious freedom, and freedom of speech!

  11. He has a right to free speech and did nothing wrong.