Planned Propaganda and the Big Hoax

(BCN editor’s note: After this article was queued for reprinting, the Center for Medical Progress posted a third undercover video of Planned Parenthood.)

I never realized how much mainstream media had an affinity with martial arts. Over the past week, we’ve seen some of the most ferocious journalistic jujutsu in my lifetime. Shocking undercover videos are released revealing the true essence of Planned Parenthood—a cold, callous, commercial abortion and human-parts trafficking chain—and America’s news media can’t move quickly enough to spar with the messengers.

PLANNED-PROPAGANDAIt’s all just a hoax! Planned Parenthood said so. And every news network is quick to rally to the abortion giant’s defense…one of the only times the liberal MSM will defend capitalism and corporate America. Apparently, the only videos that have credibility are the ones produced by MSNBC, CNN, CBS News, ABC News, or any other member of the multi-billion Network of Lies. Oh, but wait! They’ve never done any kind of exposé on Big Abortion. The last time news media took a critical look at the seedy abortion industry was when Pamela Zekman and Pamela Warrick, writing for the Chicago Sun Times, engaged in phenomenal undercover reporting of the Gosnell-like conditions in “Chicago’s thriving abortion business”. It was a 15-part series entitled:“The Abortion Profiteers”. That was in 1978, people. Today’s mainstream media, with billions of dollars in assets, won’t spend a dime to investigate this corrupt industry.

Enter Lila Rose. Jill Stanek. James O’Keefe. And now, David Daleiden of the Center For Medical Progress. These citizen journalists have riled the gatekeepers whose religiously devout efforts to protect Big Abortion don’t have a prayer (with the exception of Fox News). Brit Hume’s deeply stirring commentary of the destruction the abortion industry has brought to this country was epic. He reflects what the journalist’s creed, in part, proudly proclaims: “I believe that the journalism which succeeds best — and best deserves success — fears God and honors Man…always respectful of its readers but always unafraid, is quickly indignant at injustice.”

My childhood hero, Frederick Douglass, started his own newspaper (The North Star) because mainstream media wasn’t telling the truth about slavery. Fast forward 168 years, and the same media malfeasance exists today. Douglass declared: “…justice must be done, the truth must be told. I will not be silent.” This remarkable freed slave is the reason why I became a citizen journalist. His passion to educate the public and to help set people free inspired me in my recent fight against the NAACP. This radically pro-abortion “civil rights” organization tried to sue my organization (and me personally) into silence for accurately parodying their name. The National Association for the Abortion of Colored People lost in court. Truth won.

FULL-of-IT-PPsellsBabyPartsAbortion is the number one killer in the black community, at rates 5 times higher than those among whites. But the NAACP still stands with its corporate sponsor, Planned Parenthood. Just like the Congressional Black Caucus, Sharpton’s National Action Network, and the National Urban League, the NAACP has responded to these shocking videos with less-than-surprising silence. Every one of these groups actively partners with the nation’s leading abortion and harvesting chain. With all of the hypocritical rhetoric and tweeting of #BlackLivesMatter, and the absurd backlash against declaring #AllLivesMatter, it’s become apparent that human life doesn’t really matter to certain people.

Planned Parenthood can continue on aborting and selling those unwanted babies in their uncrushed wanted parts. Liberals won’t be outraged. But they’ll feign outrage at the ones who are exposing the inhumanity of it all. Cecile Richards, in a feeble attempt to discredit the Center for Medical Progress’ shocking videos, apologized for the “tone” of her top doctor, Dr. Deborah Nucatola, in a video that was supposedly a hoax. Never mind that Richards, a $583k per year salaried abortion mogul, told PBS “protesting abortion was like protesting a man’s colonoscopy”. Sure. The comparison of an unborn human life to feces has no despicable tone at all.

These recent events have me hopeful, though, and enjoying the desperation of the leading entity of population control going into serious damage control.  Congress, and allegedly the DOJ, will investigate this situation. I encourage people to sign the Americans United for Life’s petition to demand that the White House order the Attorney General to investigate Planned Parenthood’s sale of aborted baby parts.

And we can’t stop there. This abortion behemoth gets $528.4 million of our tax dollars every year to do their corrupt work. There are many reasons to defund Planned Parenthood. It kills human lives. It is fundamentally dishonest (suffering from a condition known as Mythomania). It has defrauded Medicaid (aka taxpayers) of millions of dollars. It grossly miseducates our youth (e.g. “There’s nothing unhealthy or bad about having a big number of sexual partners”). It is America’s biggest hoax.

One day, our nation will look back and wonder how so many were duped, for so long, by Planned Propaganda. One day, our collective soul will mourn for the millions of lives that were crushed by the violent social injustice of abortion. One day, because Truth is relentless and freeing, Big Abortion will be heavily edited out of our society.

RyanBombergerRyan Bomberger is the co-founder and chief creative officer of the Radiance Foundation.

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  1. The next time another “Black Lives Matter” activist tries to push the issue of black suffering, we need to turn it back on them & ask… “Does that include black lives that are aborted each year?” I suspect that question will be met with silence.

  2. WTG Ran keep it up.
    Neal you will be met with hostility and silence but go to “Black Lives Matter” marches anyway. I went to one with a pro-life T months ago and got hostility, stares, but I was able to talk to some participants and it was fruitful. An older black gentleman said, “I never made the connection…thank you.” Keep push’in