Pro-Life Lost in Ohio — But We Can’t Give Up

The pro-life movement accomplished a huge goal last year. The U.S. Supreme Court ruled that the U.S. Constitution does not confer a right to kill unborn babies. The issue returned to the states.

But abortion still exists, and the fight is not over. Residents of Ohio, a red state, just voted to amend their state constitution to protect abortion rather than voiceless and vulnerable unborn babies.

Star Parker recently appeared on Straight Arrow News to encourage pro-life lawmakers not to give up. Unfortunately, this was a big defeat for pro-life. Undeniable.

“The results in Ohio serve as a bitter yet powerful and much, much-needed reminder that the fight continues on, that we cannot rest,” Star said. “We cannot stop in the fight against the lies of the Left and the destructive actions that they take by seeking to shred our moral fabric, shred our understanding of family, and shred our very Constitution, the U.S. Constitution, that says it protects life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness in our preamble, in our Bill of Rights.”

Listen to Star’s full segment below or at Straight Arrow News.

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