South Carolina Library Association Will NOT Renew Membership with Marxist-Led American Library Association

Communist and Marxist ideas are poisonous to a constitutional republic and free-market society.

Alternatives to individual liberty and free markets include suppressed personal liberty, speech, and private ownership, and a tendency toward collectivism and away from individualism — the foundation of this country.

Emily Drabinski, recently elected president of the American Library Association (ALA), apparently thinks this is a good thing.

“I just cannot believe that a Marxist lesbian who believes that collective power is possible to build and can be wielded for a better world is the president-elect of @ALALibrary,” Drabinksi wrote on Twitter.

Before the self-described Marxist lesbian’s election, she wrote on her site that “the consequences of decades of unchecked climate change, class war, white supremacy, and imperialism have led us here. If we want a world that includes public goods like the library, we must organize our collective power and wield it.”

A library is much more than a building with some books in it. They are centers of access to worlds of information and knowledge. They are repositories of intellectual freedom. Is it Drabinski’s job to promote the “white supremacists” canard as head of a national library association?

The Montana State Library Commission was the first to end its association with ALA.

“Marxism stands in direct opposition to the principles of the Constitution of the United States,” Commissioner Tom Burnett told the Daily Montanan. “It’s fair to discuss and learn about Marxism, not to affiliate with Marxist-led organizations.”

After a backlash, Drabinksi deleted the tweet and offered this weak assurance:

“I happen to have a political viewpoint, and I’m honest about that and upfront about it, but running for ALA president it’s to be an advocate for American librarians of all kinds and all kinds of places.”

Some states are not unconvinced. South Carolina just joined Missouri, Montana, and Texas in withdrawing membership from the ALA. From The Daily Caller:

“ALA has become a distractor from the core mission of serving all people and has failed to develop an understanding of differences in geographic areas,” agency director Leesa M. Aiken wrote in a letter dated Aug. 21, according to screenshots shared on Twitter.

FYI, the ALA also wants to keep sexually explicit material in school libraries.

Red states are leading the way in making a stand against the influence of leftism in our public institutions.

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  1. Merdies R. Hayes

    A growing list of Black educators, lawmakers, civil rights activists, businesspersons and the clergy have banded together to teach Black history (on their own time) to the youth. That’s something good.

    • Nothing wrong with teaching Black history – as long as it isn’t presented through CRT and the “1619 Project” which see everything through a lens of “racial oppression” and teach kids that their skin color determines their destiny.

      And, BTW, Florida did NOT “ban teaching Black history” as the MSM claims. It just banned teaching CRT.

  2. And a Growing list of Black Conservatives are banning together to Show and Teach Everyone that finishing High School, Obeying the Law and Developing Moral Character will lead to Better Lives for All.