South Dakota Governor Pledges to Save Government Schools from Flawed “1619” History Lessons

The New York Times published a series of articles in 2019 that claimed America’s true founding was in 1619, when the first slaves arrived, not with the signing of the Declaration of Independence in 1776. The American Revolution was fought to preserve slavery, they claimed. Robert Woodson and others, including Dr. Carol Swain, announced the creation of the “1776 Project,” which offers an accurate portrayal of America’s slavery past.

Historians have called the research flawed, but despite the criticism, the 1619 Project’s creator, Nikole Hannah-Jones, won the Pulitzer Prize. Now government schools are attempting to add this flawed research to the curriculum. The New York Post Editorial Board called it “educational malpractice.”

Former President Donald Trump created the 1776 Commission to push back against the propaganda, but President Joe Biden dismantled it.

States must act, and one governor revealed her plans to do so. South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem announced on Twitter that she signed a “1776 Pledge to Save Our Schools.”

“Teaching our children & grandchildren to hate their own country & pitting them against one another on the basis of race or sex is shameful & must be stopped. I’m proud to be the 1st candidate in America to sign ‘The 1776 Pledge to Save Our Schools.’ In partnership with @1776ActionOrg, @RealBenCarson is helping to stop this woke, anti-American indoctrination at the state and local level & this pledge is a vital tool for clarity & accountability.”

The governor and Dr. Ben Carson wrote an op-ed for Fox News about why they’re making the pledge. They wrote that “patriotic Americans at the state and local level must lead the way. That means pressuring candidates and elected officials to clarify their positions, making patriotic education a defining issue in elections up and down the ballot this year and beyond.”

They listed four of the pledge’s commitments, which include promoting a curriculum that teaches children that they are created equal and have equal moral value under God, the Constitution and the law. The pledge calls on lawmakers at state and local levels to bar any curriculum that pits students against one another on the basis of race or sex.

States have passed legislation that bars government schools from teaching the so-called critical race theory, which claims that America and its institutions are fundamentally racist, and that people are inherently privileged or oppressed based on their race or sex.

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