Star Parker: Ben Carson Explains Why Faith Still Matters in this Country

In less than one minute, Secretary Ben Carson perfectly explained why we need a National Day of Prayer today.

After you watch it, you’ll agree. Let us pray!

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  1. God bless America . Trust in God in all things. He will always be there for you !. God bless our POTUS .

  2. …only those who do not have God in their lives but glorify the evil things instead
    …only those who are so blinded by negativity
    …only those who does not want Pres. Trump to succeed in making America great
    …only those who are so bitter the flow of money into their pickets stopped, can not appreciate, understand and love the besuty of what Pastor Marc Little and Secretary Ben Carson said. To quote Secretary Carson ” Thank you Pres. Trump
    for restoring faith in our givernment”
    Thank you too Pres. Trump and God Bless!