Star Parker: Our Pastors Kicked Off Our 2020 Fight for Freedom

I want you to see these photos that we just received from our three-day National Policy Summit in Washington, DC.

You’ll see below that our pastors have become a force that people listen to. From our keynote speaker, Mike Huckabee, to a briefing with White House staff, our pastors kicked off our 2020 fight for freedom like never before!

Supporters like you understand our unique value to fight the liberal black establishment and liberal media. That’s why they made sure we had the resources to gather pastors across the nation to make some noise in our capital. In these 13 photos, you’ll see that support put to work:

Mike Huckabee and I meet with every pastor, spouse and supporter by going around the room before he spoke to kick off our three day summit.

Our pastors met with White House staff for a briefing inside the magnificent Old Executive Building, where the Vice President has his office.

That’s me at the podium as I introduce our pastors to the White House staff before our important briefing.

Marc Little, our Interim COO and Board Chairman, and I stand outside the West Wing of the White House.

Pastors ask questions to the White House staff about urban affairs and their role to spread our message.

Our pastors prayed with the White House staff and for one another as they take the information they learn back to their communities.

Marc Little gave an amazing speech — “Church In State” — that I cannot wait for you to watch. I’ll be sending you a video of his entire speech soon.


Praise God! Our pastors inside the Trump Hotel listen to lectures from experts on issues including school choice, abortion and big government.

Our pastors spent time with experts to ask questions about the issues in their communities.

For many of our pastors, it was the first time they heard about solutions to problems that have plagued their neighborhoods.

As serious as our summit is, it’s especially important for our brave pastors to have comraderie as they meet like-minded Americans before they head back to their communities across the country. They’ll need each other for support.

Our pastors and supporters join together on the steps of the Old Executive Building. It’s because of the support from people like you that this amazing event was possible.

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