Star Parker: Want to Reduce Crime? We Need to Fix THIS

Gang violence in Chicago is dog-bites-man news. It’s expected. Ordinary. Nobody pays much attention. Thirteen people were shot and killed last weekend, and over 200 have been fatally shot this year.

Star Parker recently appeared on EWTN News Nightly to talk about what can be done to reduce the violence. She said we need to focus on what really matters.

“We have a moral crisis in our country today. When you think about the slaughter of so many innocents inside of the womb, Brian, is it any wonder…that this wanton disregard for life and property has reached our youth?”

Gun control isn’t the answer. Chicago has strict gun laws right now. Star said we have to focus our time and attention on family breakdown.

Taxpayers have put $22 trillion into the so-called war on poverty. Guess who’s winning? The “war” has broken the family.

“It is underappreciated that in the 60s, 78 percent of black households had husbands married to the mother of their children,” Star said. “Today, it’s exactly the opposite.” Children born out of wedlock — this is the root of the problem.

Watch the brief clip to hear what Star has to say about black church leaders. (Hint: they might not like it!)

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One comment

  1. Turn up the heat Star – love ya