Star Parker Wins CPAC's Ronald Reagan Award

The Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) created an award “to acknowledge the efforts of conservative activists who are in the trenches” and often receive little to no recognition. This year’s award went to CURE’s Star Parker, a woman who certainly works tirelessly for the conservative cause. 

The Board of the American Conservative Union (ACU) and the ACU Foundation unanimously chose Star for this award.

The host noted Star’s story of welfare dependency and her journey to self-sufficiency.

“I was recently made very proud, and also very humbled, by receiving the Ronald Reagan Award,” Star wrote in her lastest column. “I’m writing about it because of the chaotic time we are in now, and because, no, it is not about Star Parker. It is about America and working to save our country.”

BCN congratulates Star and prays that she remains courageous in the long battle ahead.

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  1. Congratulations Star, you are a wonderful role model for all people. I love your life story, it is a story worth telling to show there is a way to change and be a positive giving person you are. God Bless you in all you do.

    • Yes, we are so happy you were presented such a hugely meaningful award! I appreciate your work, your example, your life, your story…. I’m often so touched by you, Ms Star. I appreciate you & your efforts. Love you, dear.