These States Are Gearing Up for the Battle to Save Women’s Sports

President Joe Biden has wasted no time pushing the “transgender” agenda of the people who put him in office. He signed an executive order that calls on government schools to allow boys to compete against girls in sports and share girls’ private spaces like restrooms and locker rooms. The U.S. Congress is sure to follow up with a bill, which Biden will sign into law.

This will mark the end of women’s sports, because no girl will ever win another competition if she has to play against a biological male. It also will mark the end of girls’ modesty, privacy, and safety.

Now that Democrats have the power in Washington, it’s time for state lawmakers who care about maintaining the integrity of women’s sports to act.

Idaho’s legislature acted in 2020 after male track runners pretending to be girls competed against girls, winning races and depriving the girls of equal opportunities and fair competition. Gov. Brad Little signed the Fairness in Women’s Sports Act into law, but a federal judge blocked it. The Trump-appointed U.S. District Judge David C. Nye said the law that protects the integrity of women’s sports is likely unconstitutional, and the issue hinges on whether the government requires males to take testosterone suppression drugs for a year before competing against women and girls.

But it turns out that suppressing testosterone for a year doesn’t turn men into women. The British Journal of Sports Medicine recently reported the results of a study. After a year of taking testosterone-suppressing drugs, men are still stronger, bigger, and faster than women. The NCAA, World Athletics, and the International Olympics Committee require men who want to compete against women to take these drugs for at least a year.

According to advocacy group Save Women’s Sports, seven states have introduced bills that are at various stages in the legislative process: Kentucky, Montana, New Hampshire, North Dakota, Oklahoma, South Carolina, and Tennessee. As of this writing, Montana’s bill, which requires interscholastic athletes to participate under sex assigned at birth, is furthest along. The measure passed the House Judiciary Committee. In Tennessee, the House and the Senate have introduced bills.

This is the next battle ground. We can expect the U.S. Congress to pass the Equality Act, which will suppress all common sense when it comes to the modesty, privacy, and safety of women and our freedom of speech and religion. These things will take a backseat to normalizing the abnormal. The state will require us to believe and utter lies.

Star Parker, president and CEO of the Center for Urban Renewal and Education, explained why the Equality Act is dangerous:

Religious freedom goes out the window if this bill becomes law.

It explicitly defines itself as overriding the Religious Freedom Restoration Act that can protect people, such as Christian baker Jack Phillips, from being forced to do commerce that violates their Christian convictions.

There will be no more legal protections for Christians in commerce or in any other circumstance to enable them to avoid complicity with behavior that for them is sin.

A bizarre list of behaviors will become legally protected and enshrined in a new America that will be the total antithesis of the ideals of liberty envisioned by its founders.

I will have to start to worry that my little granddaughter will encounter a man in the restroom who has a right to be there because he thinks he is a woman.

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One comment

  1. What makes you think that President Joseph Robinette “Joe” Biden cares about women’s rights?