Stephen Broden: The Redefinition of Masculinity in the Black Community

I’ve noticed that when media are representing so-called “transgendered” men and or highly effeminate males, they are too often black. Perhaps too many people have been desensitized to the pollution in our mass media to notice the disproportionate number of high-profile effeminate black men showcased in high rotation in all media of mass communication. These “gender-fluid” celebrities all display a common exaggerated and dramatically “flaming” exhibitionistic effeminate behavior. It is my simple observation that whenever the secular humanist liberal class desires to impose non-traditional values into the public square, they often employ compromised black individuals or assumed “black causes” to advance their own self-serving agenda. These elites care nothing for blacks nor America, just their own pursuits.

The elites use blacks as a human shield, as window dressing to manipulate, deflect, suppress, and silence any debate, dissent or opposition from the majority of Americans who fear airing ideas or opinions that would result in being labeled as racists, homophobic, fascists or all three. Most persons dread being labeled by the left, and this fear of being smeared strikes fear in most people and effectively squelches counterarguments from conscientious persons opposed to the hedonistic, bizarre, and demented agenda of the cultural elite. Exploiting sexually subversive black males as their shock troops to undermine the morality of our nation and has repeatedly proven an effective weapon in defeating those who oppose the power elites’ master plan to nullify Christianity, and thrashing the voices and liberties of Christians.

It is increasingly apparent that there is an unusually high representation of girly black men in the public square these days. In light of the fact that blacks constitute about 12 percent of the total population, the image of effeminate black men as commonplace is evidence of a conspiracy. First, let’s look at some of the infamous black celebrities and their toxic contribution to the feminization of black men. NBA Hall of Famer Magic Johnson’s son is an over-the-top homosexual, and Hollywood A-list actor Will Smith’s son is effeminate and loves wearing women’s clothing. NBA legend Dwayne Wade (who paints his toenails) is raising his son Zion as a girl whom he plans to have sexually mutilated, and Rapper legend Snoop Doggs’ son is a genderfluid model who models women’s wear. Many black celebrities bow before the LGBTQ+P strategy in hopes to attain more considerable fortune and fame, and they willingly reject the God-ordained foundation of sex as males and females. Black stars are willingly using their popularity and fame to blur the lines and confuse our children and young people and advance dangerous sexual ideas and lifestyles that come with grave consequences.

Billy Porter wore a gown on the red carpet in Hollywood, and the media tell us to “deal with it.” Other black male celebrities’ (Pharrell Williams, for example) deliberately gender-bending androgynous dress and appearance speaks Luciferian volumes to young black boys about 21st- century masculinity. We cannot forget that these stars and celebrities are represented to millions of people as images of success that should be copied. How many boys are internalizing the idea that being female is the fastest and surest way to succeed?

Our nation’s morality is being deliberately changed into an immoral man-centered system devoid of the divine. Through the doctrine of political correctness and tolerance, Americans are being bullied into accepting as normal and healthy that which violates norms and mores that historically maintained social decency from Moses’ time. Political correctness is a strategy developed by Marxists to undermine biblical values and culture to transform the West into a Marxist paradigm. It is a hammer, an instrument of destruction. Economic Marxism proved inefficient in and of itself to alter the power and influence of Christian values.

Marxist philosophers in 1929 at the Frankfort School in Germany devised cultural Marxism to change cultural practices that were heavily influenced by biblical Christianity. The emphasis of Marxism shifted from economics to cultural practices focusing primarily on fairness, not the right or wrong of an issue or situation. This strategy has been overwhelmingly successful, particularly in the cultural debate related to sexuality. Over time, America shifted away from its Judeo-Christian heritage to the embracement of political correctness and the doctrine of tolerance. The one community in America that has been slow to succumb to the incremental and gradual change in our nation’s moral values was the black community.

The black church has stood as a bulwark against this moral decline until the election of Barack H. Obama. As president, Mr. Obama challenged the black church to get over its “homophobia.” Obama’s influence, coupled with what appeared to be an orchestrated media blitzkrieg from all the major institutions that influence us, have prominently positioned in highly visible public areas effeminate black men. Their strategy seems to be winning public sentiment across color lines. The black church seems to be caving to the cultural agenda of the left. Their plan is based in an anti-god philosophy that defies God’s anatomical definition of maleness and femaleness.

Friends, we are witnessing an immoral redefinition of masculinity that is in opposition against the design of God Almighty. Biblical Christians cannot remain silent and unengaged in this open defiance. We must enter the discourse and represent what thus says the Lord! Every area of strong male character and example is being challenged or coupled with soft “brokeback” men.

The NFL, which is a male dominated sports league with tough, strong athletic men fighting it out on the gridiron, is accompanied by effeminate male cheerleaders. The majority to date are black.

The die has been cast. What will the black church say? What will they teach? Silence is not an option. Our boys are in the crossfire of an evil, anti-god maneuver designed to redefine masculinity using black men in the public square to affirm perversion and debauchery. Or has the church already surrendered their moral authority to be salt and light in exchange for 30 pieces of 501(c)(3) silver and become gay-affirming entities?

If we continue on this path, the future is obvious — the legalization of pedophilia and pederasty with black males and boys. Are we going to sit on our hands and do nothing?

By Neon TommyMercedes-Benz Carousel of Hope Gala 2014, CC BY-SA 2.0, Link

StephenBrodenStephen E. Broden is the senior pastor at Fair Park Bible Fellowship, founder of Protect Life and Marriage Texas, and member of the National Black Prolife Coalition. He is the chairman of the Gone 2 Far Movement. 

The views expressed in opinion articles are solely those of the author and are not necessarily either shared or endorsed by Black Community News.

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  1. What a well-written and thought piece exposing this horrible crime against God and all things biblical…! Thank you for standing up. Now the question remains: what are we going to do about it???

  2. Chaplain Vivians V Hernandez

    Dear Pastor Stephen I applaud you for laying out a thought provoking and timely analysis of the Doctrine of political correctness. The devolution of the Black Male must be exposed and I thank you for pointing out the manipulation of the “so called elites”. They are successfully emasculating our boys and men. The repercussions are devastating so it IS TIME for the Christian Pastors to expose & apply REASON to STOP this Propaganda of the LGBTQIA+(x,y,z) LOBBY to normalize what God forbids. God FORBIDS it out of love. The lyfstyle is unhealthy, risky sexually, mentally unhealthy and leads some to confusion/regrets that may even lead to Suicide.

    It is interesting and Hypocritical of the LEFTEST social engineers as they “Demonize” the TRUTH TELLERS (CAPS for EMPHASIS) as Bigots, Hatemongers and homophobes. We care enough for boys, young men & MALES to Expose the “game” to effeminate our sons. It is so sad and tragic that high profile sons of celebrities have been infected/indoctrinated into this harmful and health compromising life style! My love for children and their being robbed of innocence/childhood by nefarious social engineers causes me and Pastor Broden to SOUND THE ALARM.

    This lifestyle promotion is a recent campaign for the haters of all things MALE to Blur Masculinity OUT OF EXISTENCE. RESIST IT AT ALL COST! Many men who have “transitioned” REGRET their decision as want to reverse their mutilation.

    WAKE UP PARENTS. This is targeted social engineering . It is unnecessary and counter the natural order of God. Please protect your Sons and Daughters and becoming Victims. Love them to SANATY.

  3. Thank you for this article, and God bless our nation with godly, thoughtful, discerning and wise men like this pastor. How refreshing was this article!!