Stunning 'Blacks Only' Field Trip Has Many Parents Outraged

An upcoming field trip in an Indiana school district, which is only permitting Black third graders to participate, has white and black parents alike upset.

Seven schools in the South Bend Community Schools Corporation are participating in two separate trips to three colleges in the area, WBND reported Wednesday. But only Black students will be going on the trip.

“I want these third graders to have the opportunity to think of themselves as college students,” said Dr. G. David Moss. Moss is the director of the Black student/parent support department. He was formerly a senior consultant with the Office of Student Affairs at the University of Notre Dame, The South Bend Tribune noted.

Parents, Black and otherwise, raised objections to Moss’ plans.

“We should be able to do everything together and not separate,” said parent Charles Yost. “I feel like all kids should be going,” added Deirdra Mullings. Mullings has a child participating in one of the trips.

At least one parent agrees with what Moss is trying to accomplish. “I don’t think it’s a race issue. I think they’re giving black children a chance,” asserted Erika Herron.

“It was not meant to be exclusionary. It was only meant to support and give these kids what they need to think positively about themselves and about their future,” said Moss.

I was hired to look at the issues facing Black kids in the South Bend Community Schools Corporation and my job specifically says that I need to develop programs and develop strategies to help these kids and their families become more successful academically.

Some students embarked on the trip Thursday, while others will be going Monday.

Share this if you believe our students should not be divided along racial lines.

BCN editor’s note: This article first appeared at Western Journalism.

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One comment

  1. Not a race issue?? Then there should be no problem with scheduling another one of these trips in a few weeks for whites only. Right? Of course not, then we would NEVER hear the end of that trip and how we have , again, acted racially.!!