The Stunning Thing These Black Pastors Did For Pro-Abortion Hillary Clinton

Hillary Clinton — New Hampshire primary loser, abortion advocate, and Planned Parenthood’s favorite Democrat — recently received “blessings” from a group of black pastors.

“Until He comes again, Secretary Clinton and President-to-be Clinton, we decree and declare from the crown of your head to the soles of your feet that the favor of the Lord will surround you like a shield, in Jesus’ name.” 

The Lord’s favor — for a woman who not only supports abortion but believes working Americans, pro-lifers included, should pay for those deaths.

Black women are overrepresented among women in the United States who kill their unborn children. Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger created the Negro Project to recruit black pastors to promote reduced birth rates among blacks.

Life Site News reported that after the pastors prayed for Clinton, her campaign adviser “vehemently” condemned a petition to put a pro-life measure on the ballot in Oklahoma. An excerpt:

Speaking on behalf of the Clinton campaign, [Maya] Harris said, “This initiative petition should be challenged and, if it makes it on the ballot, rejected by Oklahomans.”

Reaction to the two contradictory acts – the religious blessing and the condemnation of pro-life legislation – was swift and strong among African-American ministers.

“It is shameful to see clergy abandon the principles of the faith and engage in such heretical political pandering,” the Reverend Dr. Clenard H. Childress, Jr. told LifeSiteNews. “These clergy represent the problem the church has in the clarity of its message and the demonstration of its worth.”

Pastor Childress and other black pro-lifers protested outside the NAACP’s annual convention in Philadelphia last summer. They used leftist slogans “Black Lives Matter,” “Don’t Shoot,” and “I Can’t Breathe” to clarify who really needs protecting.

National Black Pro-Life Coalition’s Pastor Arnold M. Culbreath said abortion “remains the number-one killer of black Americans, higher than all other causes of death combined. Therefore, it is absolutely critical that blacks become informed, equipped, and provided with resources to end the abortion-related genocide occurring in our communities every day.”

Yet, other pastors are praying that an abortion-advocating woman is placed into the country’s most powerful elected office.

Clinton also supports the redefinition of marriage to include two people of the same sex. Did the pastors pray that she has a change of heart about both issues?

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  1. My goodness, it was sickening to watch my people pray over Hillary Clinton, as if she were the Mesiah leading them out of bondage. When is the black community going to stop acting like victims for heaven sake! Geez.

  2. Hillary Clinton is about as corrupt as you can get and pastors were blessings her??? These are obviously heretics and if they really knew the true God, they’d know they will be held accountable and held responsible for the corruption as well. Scripture says many shall cry, “Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name?” God will reply,”Be gone. I never knew you!” These pastors don’t even know the Bible. Imagine the people who follow these heretics. Yikes!!