Three States Cut Ties with the American Library Association Over Accusations of Marxist Agenda

The American Library Association (ALA) in 2022 elected Emily Drabinski as president. The Montana State Library Commission became alarmed after it was revealed that Drabinski has radical beliefs and describes herself as a “Marxist lesbian.”

Drabinski called on librarians to be activists.

“We need to make trouble–good trouble, the kind of trouble that matters, the kind of trouble I became a librarian to get into–and we need to make it together.”

Part of the ALA’s mission is to expand library services at home and abroad. One of its “key action areas” is intellectual freedom. How much freedom would a “Marxist” who believes in “collectivism” support?

As a result, public libraries have attempted to prevent or cancel faith-based story hours with actor Kirk Cameron throughout the year and for “See You at the Library Day,” a nationwide event hosted by Brave Books on August 5. The ALA even gave suggestions on how libraries could block public meeting room use under the pretext of the space already being taken for other activities.

The Montana State Library Commission voted to leave the ALA by a vote of five to one.

“Marxism stands in direct opposition to the principles of the Constitution of the United States,” Commissioner Tom Burnett told the Daily Montanan. “It’s fair to discuss and learn about Marxism, not to affiliate with Marxist-led organizations.”

According to Liberty Counsel, Missouri and Texas also have voted to leave the ALA:

Last week, Texas State Rep. Brian Harrison announced the Texas State Library and Archives Commission will not renew its contracts with the ALA after he called on the commission to cut ties with the group over the election of Drabinski.

Missouri Secretary of State Jay Ashcroft announced in July that his office would no longer support the ALA following comments by the organization encouraging libraries to take measures to “exploit loopholes to block” the story hours in libraries across the country. Ashcroft sent a letter to ALA Executive Director Tracie Hall, calling out the organization’s “blatantly political stance.”

“We commend these states for cutting ties with the American Library Association,” Liberty Counsel Founder and Chairman Mat Staver said. “This organization has no business pushing radical agendas at innocent children. More states need to follow suit.”

Lawmakers like Senator Ted Cruz of Texas have called for an investigation into the ALA for potentially misusing taxpayers’ money to silence Brave Books, which publishes actor Kirk Cameron’s children’s books.

After canceling Cameron’s and Riley Gaines’s appearance at a local library, the Madison County Public Library System in Alabama rescinded the cancellation. The event took place on August 5.

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One comment

  1. No question there’s been an INTENTIONAL (BHUSSEINO) attack on America’s Constitutional Republic since 2007 by radical left-wing marxist with strong Godless assistance by tge lamestream media propagandists. This unGodly wickedness has been eroding the higher ed faculty for decades. It is rooted in rebellion, is ungrateful in all the freedoms America affords, and is ignorant of the evil their intentions are spawned from. Unfortunately, most demoncratic politicians adhere to this Sinister fascism; shameful.