The Republican Congress Has Failed to Defund Planned Parenthood — But This Lawmaker Just Threw a ‘Hail Mary’

Republicans control both houses of Congress and the White House, yet haven’t managed to permanently bar abortion giant Planned Parenthood from receiving money from taxpayers.

Although federal law prohibits federal money from funding abortions, the fact is, Planned Parenthood receives federal money. It doesn’t matter to pro-lifers whether the abortion mill uses the money to pay the light bill. They don’t want any of the money they earn funding a facility that scrapes voiceless and vulnerable human beings from the womb.

Congress, presumably dominated by pro-life lawmakers, doesn’t seem likely to pass such a bill.

Senator Rand Paul recently introduced an amendment to the FY 2019 spending bill to block taxpayers’ money from going to Planned Parenthood and other facilities that kill the unborn.

“One of the top priorities for a Republican Congress that professes pro-life values on the campaign trail should be to stop taxpayer funding for abortion providers. This is our chance to turn our words into action, stand up for the sanctity of life, and speak out for the most innocent among us that have no voice,” said Dr. Paul.

The amendment contains the same language preventing such spending as the FY 2019 Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education funding bill that passed the U.S. House Appropriations Committee in July, and it does not block health care providers that do not perform abortions from continuing to receive federal funding for women’s health services.

Defunding Planned Parenthood might be a moot point after the November midterm elections.

Photo credit: Fibonacci Blue (Creative Commons) – Some rights reserved

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  1. “Control both houses of Congress” In reality, not so much. The Senate requires 60 votes to get most ANYTHING passed. Evidenced by that one RINO vote that caused the reform of ObamaCare to FAIL! McConnell is sitting on dozens of bills passed by the house, because he either feels they can’t get passed, or HE doesn’t want a vote on those HE objects to. VOTE in NOV, get that Senate under true CONTROL!

  2. If Planned Parenthood can afford to give so much money to the Democrat Party, they don’t need taxpayer dollars. Why should people who never vote Democrat have to donate to that party via the slush fund that Planned Parenthood has become?