WATCH: The Super Bowl Commercial Abortion Advocates Don't Like

It’s silly, as far as commercials go, but abortion advocates are humorless when it comes to anything that reminds the world that babies in the womb are human beings.

The Doritos commercial shows a pregnant woman getting an ultrasound and the father eating from a bag of Doritos. The father waves a chip near the woman’s stomach, and the baby reaches for it in the womb. The woman, annoyed, grabs the chip and throws it across the room. She apparently goes into labor as the baby is ready to leap out of the womb to go after the chip.

It’s a Super Bowl commercial. But abortion advocates took offense. The National Abortion Rights Action League (NARAL) tweeted this:

Unbelievable. Too much humanizing of the unborn child, and women might think twice about killing their own children. Twitter reactions:

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One comment

  1. LOL No better way to rail on illogical liberal nerves than making a valid point on a harmless commercial meant to invoke humor! Love it!