These Utah Parents Just Put a Stop to ‘Transgender’ Indoctrination in Third Grade Classroom

A third grade teacher read a book to the class, “Call Me Max,” which depicted a girl who wants to be a boy. Did parents know this book was part of the curriculum? Apparently not, because they complained after some of the students told their parents about the book. A few of them called the school district to complain.

The Murray School District did not seek parents’ permission to implement the so-called equity book bundles program, which also includes books and lessons on race. After the complaints, the board suspended the program while it reviews the material.

Parents with children in government schools should be made aware of curriculum additions so they can opt out if they choose.

Family Research Council senior fellow Joseph Backholm wrote that parents can be discouraged from taking a stand against such indoctrination:

First, a lot of LGBT propaganda is often packaged with other content that is not objectionable.

Second, much of the problematic curriculum in schools is presented as “anti-bullying” curriculum. For many on the left, the only way to solve the serious and tragic challenges of children who identify as LGBT is to create a world in which everyone affirms their identities and choices.

Part of the homosexual agenda is to equate race and ethnicity with sexual behavior, so that anyone who objects to homosexuality and “transgenderism” is just as bad as a Bull Connor or a Hitler. Very few white Americans want to be compared to these people. And as Backholm notes, the left frames opposition to transgenderism as a form of bullying, and parents teach their children not to be bullies.

Leftists like to confuse the issue and bully parents into allowing their children to be indoctrinated. That’s why it takes courage and determination on the part of parents to stand firm against this.

Conflict is part of life, and parents who oppose homosexuality can’t avoid confronting government schools on these issues, even if they fear being called bigots and bullies.

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One comment

  1. Those that approved the purchase and institute the teachings that offend the community standards should be released. It’s unbelievable how many times one or two people in influential positions have forced their ideas/opinions on the multitudes. Cities, towns should establish a means of checks and balances to eliminate these dictators.