Two pregnant teenagers on their way to an abortion clinic decided to protect their babies instead.
They visited a pregnancy center next door to the abortion clinic. May God allow many more situations like this one.
Pregnancy Help News (via Life News) reported that the Life Choices Women’s Center in Altamonte Springs, Florida, opened this summer next to a place where babies are killed:
“We had been looking to move to a larger location,” [executive director Norma] Stives said. “Our old location was too small, and sometimes we were so busy we had people waiting. So the Lord answered our prayers, but he answered them in a way we didn’t expect. We never dreamt it would happen like this. We didn’t know if we could afford the rent but we took a leap of faith and called the landlord. Many people wanted it and were offering more money. It was up to the landlord. Our board of directors put some conditions in place, and the conditions were met and then some in two days. We knew the Lord was calling us.”
Of the 15 clients Life Choices Women’s Center sees in a week, about four are abortion-minded. Recently, a young girl came in with her mother seeking an abortion. They wanted to see how far along the girl was, and the counselors offered them an ultrasound.
The mother of one of the girls cited in the article had an abortion at Planned Parenthood. Would she have made a different decision had there been a pregnancy center next door? Some women seek abortions because they’re scared or badly advised. A pregnancy center offers counseling, financial and adoption assistance, information about fetal development, and options besides killing the baby. Because the U.S. Supreme Court decided it was legal doesn’t make it right.
The center’s executive director spoke to a woman who had an appointment at the abortion mill next door.
“She came over with her husband and their baby and it turned out there were financial circumstances that led to the decision to abort…They did an ultrasound, and as soon as she saw the baby, she instantaneously changed her mind.”
Another life saved.
God bless your work. abortions KILL!