Walter Hoye: This Post-Abortive Woman Hears God’s Calling to Help Others Who Regret Their Abortions

Friday, June 14th, 2019, marked the 52nd year of legalized abortion in America, beginning with the states of California, Colorado and Mississippi. [1]

In January of this year, a preterm abortion clinic billboard campaign aimed only in majority-black neighborhoods in Cleveland, Ohio, purposefully pushed the message “Abortion Is Necessary” for Black Women and that killing a baby in the womb is a good “parenting decision.”

New York, Virginia, Kansas, and Illinois have passed the most extreme pro-abortion laws in our country’s history. Gavin Christopher Newsom, California’s governor, invited women to come to California to abort their babies. The abortion industry has a complete and utter disregard for “human life in the womb.” The industry’s thirst for death knows no bounds as it consciously continues to be both reckless and relentless.

Still, there is a way out of no way. Meet Saundra L. Woods of SonLit Woods Ministries.

Saundra Woods’s personal testimony of God’s hands guiding her offers hope, healing, and health to all women and stands boldly in direct contrast to an abortion industry hellbent on death, destruction, and targeting Black women (Proverbs 27:20).

In the midst of the abortion industry’s most malignant and mortiferous move for pro-abortion legislation nationwide, Saundra’s personal testimony brightly shines the light on the all-powerful, never-failing and ever-guiding hand of God in the lives of women.

From Saundra’s biography:

After almost 40 years of what Saundra refers to as her “wilderness wanderings,” she became a child of God on November 13, 1998. Saundra’s “wild days” that were devoid of a father figure caused her to try to fill the God shaped hole in her heart in any manner possible. These behaviors often left her in a worse state of mind. By the time she was 25 she had had multiple abortions.

Today, Saundra believes that God’s plan for her is to help women fully embrace and accept the love God has for them, no matter what their circumstances, but especially post-abortive women who often feel the weight of shame, guilt, and unworthiness that abortion can bring.

Saundra’s message is clear — very clear. And in the midst of the most dangerous and destructive assault on “human life in the womb” America has ever seen, Saundra’s message is needed, now more than ever before.

Let me just cut to the chase right here and get to the point.

It doesn’t matter what side of the aisle you’re on, Democrat or Republican. It doesn’t matter if you’re Black or White. It doesn’t matter if you’re a man or a woman. It doesn’t matter if you’re old or young, rich or poor, retired or in the prime of your life.

If life itself is on the table, if life itself is what’s at stake, in order for mankind to survive the onslaught of malevolence, we must acknowledge the sovereignty of God in both our lives and the world today.

And never, ever forget this: “Without Life, Nothing Matters.”


[1] “Governor Reagan To Sign New Abortion Bill”, California Third State to Ease Its Law, Chicago Tribune, Wednesday, June 14th, 1967 ( – PDF).

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  1. The pro-choicers fail to speak of the numerous women who have gone through life in misery because of an abortion, plus those that self destructed be cause of their decision.

  2. Abortion is reserved as a “last resort” for millions of women. It is and should be a regrettable decision. What is needed instead is a national policy of “from womb to tomb” in addressing quality of life issues (including medical care) for every blessed child born in America.