Title X Funding And Abortion As A Method Of Family Planning

According to the National Abortion Federation’s August 2007 report (http://bit.ly/2p35I52), Title “X” Funds CANNOT be used “in programs where abortion is a method of family planning.”

Or for “affirmative actions” such as:

► Obtaining consent for the abortion
► Arranging transportation for the abortion
► Negotiating a reduction in the fee for the abortion
► Arranging or scheduling the abortion procedure or
► For the provision or the promotion of abortion or
► For the encouragement of abortion as a method of family planning

Again, according to the National Abortion Federation’s August 2007 report (http://bit.ly/2p35I52), Title “X” Funds CAN be used to:

► Give out information about abortion
► Share the National Abortion Federation hotline for an abortion referral or
►If the program (such as Planned Parenthood) provides abortion services themselves, make a “self-referral” regarding their abortion services

Apparently, neither the National Abortion Federation nor the Democratic Party believe Planned Parenthood is a “program where abortion is a method of family planning.”

Yeah, right …

Without LIFE … Nothing Matters … does it?”

Mr. President, we can’t defund Planned Parenthood fast enough.

walterhoyeWalter B. Hoye II is the founder and president of the Issues4Life Foundation, the founder of the California Civil Rights and the Frederick Douglas Foundations of California, and proponent of the California Equal Rights Amendment.

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One comment

  1. MaryLena Anderegg

    No confusion with either! Don’t think for a moment that they have forgotten that Planned Parenthood was begun as part of the eugenics movement. Sanger, herself, admitted she wanted to exterminate the black race.. It is inconceivable that anyone would publicly admit supporting such an idea.