WATCH: Breaking ‘Black Republican’ Stereotypes

At least 90 percent of black voters choose the liberal party. To say it’s unusual to be a “black Republican” is an understatement.

The black Republicans in CNN Money’s video talk about the name-calling they have to deal with, like “Uncle Tom” and “oreos,” just for thinking outside the leftist box.

Featured in the brief clip are Telly Lovelace, the Republican National Committee’s black outreach director (see BCN’s post), Rep. Mia Love, and other black GOP voters. They share some ideas about how the party might bring more black voters into the fold.

A black pastor featured in the news story, James Davis, was one of the black clergy who met with Donald Trump last year.

(See This Is What Happened After Donald Trump Met With Group of Black Pastors)

“We were called everything but a child of God,” Davis said about the reaction to the meeting. “From sellout to coon. We went and we saw him, we heard him, and what pulled us to him, for me, was the fiscal conservatism. We talked about the rebuilding of inner cities. That’s going to affect black people more than anybody else.”

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  1. Wardell Parker

    The mindset of the Black Republican, as exampled in this video, appears to be one of a larger world-view. It goes beyond “my community,” “my people,” to look at how the entire system works, but without forgetting the people of their community. In my opinion, a person with this mindset is in a better position to serve the both the nation and a community that may have greater needs because they have the perspective to see how one impacts and benefits the other.

  2. There are many, many Blacks who are very intelligent but still won’t allow themselves to be subjected unnecessarily to ridicule for disliking the Democrat Party platform, even if they aren’t quite at the GOP decision. I don’t want the GOP either except for the likes of Mia Love, Trey Gowdy, & Trump. We need ANYTHING but a Democrat or Independent. No Hillary!!!!!!