WATCH: Ferguson Burns With Violence, Looting After Grand Jury Decision Enflames Protesters

Within minutes of the Monday night announcement that a St. Louis County grand jury had found no probable cause to indict officer Darren Wilson for the shooting death of Michael Brown, President Obama stepped in front of the cameras for a nationally televised address.

A solemn and stern-faced Obama mentioned several times a “handful of people” who may use the grand jury’s decision as an excuse for violence. But even as the president was speaking, far more than a “handful” of troublemakers were beginning to turn Ferguson, Missouri into a war zone.

St. Louis County police chief Jon Belmar said rioters had fired 150 shots. A number of police officers, many in riot gear, had been injured. Stores and cars were set ablaze. Looters and vandals were running wild. Confrontations between angry protesters and police were developing throughout the city.

Law enforcement authorities report more than two dozen arrests.

After tear gas filled the streets and armored police vehicles rolled into position to protect city facilities, the police chief said violence in the suburb of St Louis was “probably much worse” than all previous unrest over the death of Michael Brown on August 9th.

On her Fox News show Monday night, as the Ferguson violence was nearing its peak, Megyn Kelly showed scenes of the fiery protests as well as new photos of the injuries sustained by officer Darren Wilson during his struggle with Brown.

You can watch “The Kelly File” report by clicking on the video above.

Image Credit: Fox News

BCN editor’s note: This article first appeared at Western Journalism.

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