WATCH: The Oldest of 10

When men and women make a decision whether to keep or abort their child, so often the decision is framed in how a new life will impact the parent. What will the parent experience? How will the parent feel? What does this mean for the parent’s future? But oftentimes, we fail to consider the impact a new life has on a sister or brother. What does it mean to a little girl or boy to learn that they’re expecting a new sibling to join their family, only to have their life destroyed through the “convenience” of modern-day abortion?

Siblings have a powerful but often silent voice in the fight for life; however, one young lady with nine younger siblings has a powerful word that’s worth hearing. When she learns that her mother is expecting, she doesn’t think about what will be taken from her in terms of resources, love, or affection. She thinks about the opportunity that her younger sibling will bring with his or her arrival. As a big sister, she thinks of how strong her family is, as they work together to prepare for a new child to join the family. She’s honored to know she’s going to have another person to mold, shape, and influence.

Strong leaders don’t emerge once they arrive in the marketplace. Strong leaders rise from the ranks of strong homes, where they’re able to exert their capacity to love, care, sacrifice, and contribute in a safe environment where their influence has an immediate and powerful impact.

For older siblings, they stand with their parent to care for a new baby and to be an additional hand and heart of support and love as their little sister or brother enters the world. When parents consider how terminating the life of a child will impact the children they already have, many will realize that in spite of the financial or emotional difficulties, the returns are overwhelming.

Siblings are champions for the unborn. They’re a picture of the beauty and potential that each life brings. When a sibling has a voice in speaking up for those who have no voice, their heroic cry for life makes an incredible difference for the entire family.

Here is the YouTube Playlist that has all of our Pro-Life|Pro-Family Initiative videos:

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One comment

  1. Very true – children long for little brothers and sisters and are very adversely affected by abortion. I once read an account by a woman who discovered as a teenager that her mother had had FIVE abortions. Her mother rationalized it by saying that if she’d had all those children, “we couldn’t have given you all the things we did.” The young woman said she would have gladly given up all those “things” to have her brothers and sisters back.

    I also find it sad when people who have two children decide it’s enough and never have any more, thus depriving their kids of younger siblings.