What A Fed-Up Father Did After His Son Saw A Girl in the Boys’ Restroom

restroomJust imagine what would happen if all Christians and others who care about their children’s modesty, privacy, and safety pulled them from government schools?

One father took his three sons out of their government school after one of them saw a girl in the boys’ restroom. From Life Site News (emphasis added):

“We decided we were not going to force our children to make the decision between confusion, humiliation, and embarrassment,” [Matt] Stewart said.

Radio personality and father of three Eric Nichols told LifeSiteNews, “I have grave concern over the acceptance in society for a policy that just a few years ago would have been deemed a very dangerous experiment imposed on society.”

“Certainly, there will be many negative ramifications from this misguided policy, some of which are unforeseeable,” Nichols continued. “We have chosen to homeschool our three children due in part to directives and policies from President Obama such as this.”

A coalition of states sued the federal government for making federal funding contingent on allowing boys (and presumably biologically male faculty/staff pretending to be women) to walk into girls’ restrooms, and vice versa.

Photo credit: Intel Free Press (Creative Commons) – Some rights reserved

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One comment

  1. Dick Lancaster

    One of the pertinent arguments against the Equal Rights Amendment in the 70s was the legal right of either sex to mingle among the private lairs of the opposite sex. But there were those who argued in favor of such absurdities. Today, military personnel are forced to co-mingle the sexes as circumstances dictate. So it should be no surprise this deviancy has spread to the public schools. The problem lies in our inability to admit that equality is an abstraction. Government should be seeking fairness, the primary goal in a free society. The problem with equality is that it simply amounts to tyranny of the minority upon the majority. The current flap to muddle the sexes is, like all the other absurdities inflicted over the past 40 + years, a political assault on the American middle class; the only group powerful enough to challenge the oligarchy. Fifty years ago this would be considered satire. Now we are living in a satirical society.