What Cruz Said About Trump’s Stance on Gun Rights

Photo credit: Tamara Evans (Creative Commons)
Photo credit: Tamara Evans (Creative Commons)

Does Sen. Ted Cruz have a realistic chance in Indiana or California?

Polls show that GOP frontrunner Donald Trump leads in both states. Voters in California — a blue state that’s getting bluer all the time — will decide in June. At stake for the GOP hopefuls are 172 delegates. According to poll results released on Monday, Trump leads Sen. Cruz with 54 percent.

Voters in Indiana are deciding right now.

CNN reported that Sen. Cruz engaged a group of hecklers in Indiana.

“I personally ask you to reconsider your position to keep running,” one man said. “You’ve been mathematically eliminated, you’re not gonna be able to seal the nomination.”

The senator spoke with the man for several minutes, and it got testy.

“Civilized people don’t yell,” Sen. Cruz said. “Sir, with all respect, Trump is deceiving you. He is playing you for a chump. Ask yourself two questions: Why is it that the mainstream media wants Donald Trump to be the nominee? And why is that John Boehner supports Donald Trump?”

Then the senator said this about Trump’s views on gun rights:

“Donald Trump is a New York liberal who will take away your Second Amendment rights,” he said. “This man is lying to you. And he’s taking advantage of you.”

Is it true? According to Trump’s site:

“The Second Amendment to our Constitution is clear.  The right of the people to keep and bear Arms shall not be infringed upon. Period.”

Do you think Sen. Cruz’s accusation about Trump’s apparently former views on the Second Amendment will help or hurt him?

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One comment

  1. It doesn’t make sense to me that Donald Trump would even want to tamper with the second amendment. Ted Cruz may have spoken without giving thought to his comment or was frustrated with the comment the man gave. Trump speaks of making America great again and bringing back jobs and better trade deals. I hope it can be done.