What Ohio Lawmakers Just Did Will Have Abortion Advocates Crying Foul

PlannedParenthoodRapeSadly, it’s legal in the United States to kill one’s unborn children for the sake of convenience. That certainly doesn’t mean citizens have to hand over a portion of their income to pay for it.

Lawmakers in Ohio just made a big pro-life move that might reduce abortions but definitely will please pro-lifers.

The state’s Senate voted to defund Planned Parenthood. The measure heads to the House.

Sen. Bill Coley told reporters they’re “moving that money to organizations that are life-affirming organizations.”

From Christian News Net:

According to reports, over 50 members of the public signed up to give testimony at a hearing over the bill, providing opinions on both sides of the issue.

“Whether you call yourself pro-life or pro-choice, I think most people have an issue with taxpayer dollars going to an organization that seeks to profit off of the harvest of body parts from the unborn,” Senate President Keith Faber told those gathered.

“For me it’s sickening to know that this organization, which was very open to the prospect of ruthlessly dismembering an unborn child in order to obtain higher profit, received over $1 million from Ohio taxpayers in fiscal year 2015 alone,” he said.

Abortion advocates try to sell the idea that abortion is health care. Pregnancy is not an illness or a disease, and killing the baby isn’t healing or curing. It’s certainly not health care for the baby.

Abortion advocates also contend that women won’t have access to health services if lawmakers defund Planned Parenthood. But women don’t need to visit an abortion mill for basic and preventive care. Wasn’t Obamacare supposed to help facilitate these services? Defunding Planned Parenthood would not impact clinics that don’t kill unborn babies.

Photo credit: American Life League (Creative Commons) – Some Rights Reserved

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