What These Black Pastors in Virginia Just Gave Donald Trump

After Donald Trump met with a group of black pastors on Monday, people wondered whether they’d endorse him for the GOP presidential nomination. The suspense grows.

But at a rally in Virginia on Wednesday, several black pastors did.

Dr. Steve Parson, who attended the private meeting on Monday, said people asked him why he’s endorsing Trump.

“In my opinion, he’s the best and the only one that can beat Hillary Clinton.” We have to win, Parson said, and Donald Trump is a winner. He added that Trump knows how to create wealth, and that’s what the inner-city needs, along with jobs and businesses. Parson believes Trump is the candidate to help black people help themselves.

Parson had a lot more to say. Watch the brief clip.

What do you think of the endorsement and Parson’s comments?


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