Why Did the Media Hide These Black History Month Events from the Public?

When President Trump and Vice President Pence both spoke at separate events on Tuesday to celebrate Black History Month, the media was silent. (You can see the photos from CURE’s team below!)

What the media didn’t want to tell you is that 400 black conservatives made their way to our nation’s capital to celebrate freedom, the accomplishments of those who fought for freedom, and to share their hope to preserve liberty for all Americans.

Like me, you are witnessing a massive shift in our country as more Americans hear our message of freedom and personal responsibility. And they positively react to it! But the left-wing media cannot afford to lose more Americans to our cause. That’s why they effectively silenced the White House’s work to shine a light on liberty!

After we reviewed the media from yesterday, only Fox News reported on the days’ historic events! NO WONDER the events were silenced in the communities where it can make a difference!

Plain and simple, to spread our message, we need more people to hear about our work for freedom! Consider this: President Trump received 1.4 million votes from African Americans in 2016! This isn’t a small number! But if we can double it — and we can — we can secure the hearts and minds of more Americans who want liberty instead of the message of death that’s peddled by the left! If this happens, the radical leftists who’ve destroyed families, opportunity, and freedom  for half a century will be neutered!

As you’ll see in the photos below, CURE’s Executive Vice President, Rev. Derek McCoy, began the day touring the National African American Museum with Vice President Mike PenceWhite House Chief of Staff Gen. John KellySen. James LankfordKay Coles James, and Rep. Mark Walker.

Then CURE’s team attended another event to honor Black History with the Secretary of the Treasury where Sen. Tim Scott and several leaders connected to discuss how to create economic opportunities in distressed communities.

Later, Rev. McCoy represented CURE at the White House where the President gave his remarks.

As you look at these photos, ask yourself, what we can do to spread our message about liberty and economic opportunity? The answer is to go straight to Americans with the truth!

Rep. Mark Walker and CURE’s Executive Vice President Rev. Derek McCoy

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  1. It’s high time Black conservatives recognize the many contributions African Americans have made to this nation. Good job.

  2. God speed, dawlin’ in your attempt to regain any semblance of Common Sense in America!

  3. These facts about the Black History events were not publicized by most of the media because they would have to show viewers and listeners that the Republican party respects and honors black leaders. Why be surprised when educators never teach the it was the Republican party that freed the slaves over a hundred years ago, they also fail to teach that the Democrat party supported the Ku Klux Klan and even had one of their Grad Wizards in the Senate, Robert Byrd, who not only was a KKK member but the mentor of none other than Hillary Rodham Clinton, they never teach that the by a elected political majority of Democrats forced segregation throughout the South and prohibited black students from school entry. Black communities are never taught that the NAACP was founded by none other than white folks.
    Black communities need to be informed that the Democrat party by supporting illegal aliens getting citizenship deprives blacks of jobs.