Why Supreme Court Decisions Matter to Christians

After the U.S. Supreme Court declared homosexual “marriage” a constitutional right, Bishop T.D. Jakes said he wasn’t “really as concerned about this as a lot of people are. I think that we should not lose our mind over the world being the world and the Church being the Church. This is not a news flash. The world is gonna be the world and the Church is gonna be the Church, and you have to understand the difference.”

While it’s true that the world is fallen and will remain so, and that God is still in control, Christians must be concerned about “law of the land” decisions and who sits on the high court.

In the video below, Bishop Aubrey Shines, a member of CURE’s clergy board and founder of G2G Ministries, responded to Jakes’s comments.

Imagine Bishop Jakes saying that he’s not “really as concerned” about a Supreme Court decision after Dred Scott in 1857, where the court held that a free or enslaved negro whose ancestors were imported to the U.S. and sold as slaves couldn’t be an American citizen.

Bishop Shines explains why it matters.

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