Will Congress (and Trump) Act to Protect Christians Like Kelvin Cochran from Government Retaliation?

Rev. Derek McCoy, Executive Vice President at Star Parker’s Center for Urban Renewal and Education, was in the Rose Garden last week to witness President Donald Trump sign a religious freedom executive order.

He called the president’s effort a step in the right direction. It certainly is, but Christians need more. Much more.

The Heritage Foundation’s Ryan Anderson called the executive order weak and inadequate.

“Much more is needed,” Anderson wrote. “Congress should give President Trump the opportunity to sign robust religious liberty protections. Lawmakers must take the lead not just on these three issues, but on the most pressing religious liberty challenges of our day.

“Congress can start by passing the Russell Amendment, the Conscience Protection Act, and the First Amendment Defense Act.”

Anderson noted that President Trump promised to sign the latter two into law. Congress merely has to send the bills to his desk.

The First Amendment Defense Act, in particular, could protect people like former Atlanta fire chief Kelvin Cochran, who said Mayor Kasim Reed fired him for criticizing homosexuality. The House bill specifically states that it would “prevent discriminatory treatment of any person on the basis of views held with respect to marriage.”

Let’s face it: the attempt to normalize homosexuality, the profaning of marriage, and the homosexual lobby’s intent to shut down all dissent and essentially force Christians to call good what God calls a sin are the main reasons we need laws like the First Amendment Defense Act.

Any bill that lands on the president’s desk must offer protections for Christian business owners like bakers and florists, for example, who want no part of homosexual “weddings.”

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  1. Good points – sharing this. Thanks.