Wisconsin Supreme Court Upholds Marriage Law

Wisconsin_Supreme_Court_2After all the bad news of judges striking down voter-approved laws that affirm marriage as the union between one man and one woman, it’s good to share a mix of good news and bad, depending on your point of view. The Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF) reports that although the Wisconsin Supreme Court struck down part of a law barring legally recognized homosexual unions, it upheld the portion that affirms the definition of marriage.

Voters passed the law by 59 percent in 2006.

“Believing that society should strengthen marriage, the people of Wisconsin approved a constitutional amendment that affirms marriage as the union of one man and one woman only,” ADF Senior Counsel Austin R. Nimocks said. “While the Wisconsin Supreme Court has chosen not to invalidate the state’s domestic partnership scheme, the court nonetheless affirmed that domestic partnerships for same-sex couples are not like marriage, maintaining marriage as a unique legal status.”

Is the issue one of semantics? The homosexual lobby isn’t satisfied with “domestic partnerships” with marriage-like perks. They want two men to be included in the definition of marriage, or, to be more precise, the removal of sex-dependent designations — husband and wife. They will not stop until the word is completely co-opted, and the institution is redefined out of existence.

Photo credit: Wikimedia Commons

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