Archives: This Brave Teenage Girl Faced Suspension After She Complained About a Boy in the Girls’ Locker Room — She Refused to Apologize and Filed a Lawsuit Instead

Originally published in November 2022.

Why do leftists believe women should have a right of privacy to kill their inconvenient unborn babies but have no right of privacy in restrooms and changing rooms?

Last month, BCN covered the story of a group of high school volleyball players in Vermont, including Blake Allen, who objected to the school’s decision to allow a boy pretending to be a girl to use the girls’ locker room. Blake, 14, asked him to leave. He wouldn’t. At one point, the boy watched the girls as they changed.

Blake and other girls spoke of their discomfort. Listen to her and the others express how they felt. The school did not care.

On a recent Fox News appearance, Blake said the school threatened to suspend her. She could avoid suspension, however, if she participated in a “restorative justice circle” [communist-style re-education?] and wrote a letter of apology to the boy who violated their privacy.

“I said I would rather have a five-day suspension than have to apologize, because I’m not sorry,” Blake told Tucker Carlson.

Good for her! Blake should hold a seminar to teach adults to stop apologizing for “offending” people.

Blake said the school dropped the suspension after she filed a lawsuit.

Her father, Travis, who coached soccer at a middle school, was suspended because he complained about a boy lurking around the girls’ locker room at his daughter’s high school and “misgendered” him on social media. He has not been reinstated.

Their lawyer, Tyson Langhofer of Alliance Defending Freedom, also appeared on the show. He said the school retaliated against Blake and Travis “for simply stating their views. And First Amendment retaliation is prohibited by the Constitution.”

Tucker asked THE question: Does anyone care about the girls? Watch the clip for more.

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