These Parents Just Filed a Lawsuit Against a Colorado School District for Allowing Boys to Share Beds with Girls on Overnight Trips

Jefferson County Schools in Colorado allows boys pretending to be girls to share rooms on overnight trips with girls — without telling parents. Three families in the school district say that this policy violates their parental right to make decisions about their children’s education and upbringing.

The school district apparently adopted the Biden administration’s redefinition of the word sex to include “gender identity.” So when it says “girls” share rooms, the school district includes boys wearing dresses.

The privacy, modesty, and safety of girls don’t count. How girls feel about this violation doesn’t matter.

According to Alliance Defending Freedom, the 11-year-old daughter of Joe and Serena Wailes realized she’d been assigned to share a room with two girls and a boy in a hotel room on a school trip. The boy told her that they’d be sharing a bed while getting ready for bed. Panicked, the girl went into the bathroom and called her mother, who was also on the trip as a chaperone. She got her daughter assigned to a different room.

The child’s parents sent two letters to the school district and asked that parents be allowed to opt out of the ridiculous policy. The district denied the request more than once and said it would not relent.

Three sets of parents sued the school district in federal court. From ADF:

ADF attorneys explain in the lawsuit that, as a result, parents will not have the information they need to protect their child’s privacy until it is too late—when the parents are not there; when the burden falls on the child to ask her roommates about their sex; and when there is a greater risk of causing all students discomfort or embarrassment.

Do other parents in the school district care about this? They should be in an uproar. This should be national news.

Even if some leftist parents have no problem with this, how do their daughters feel? Are they teaching them to disregard their own privacy, safety, and sense of modesty? Do they teach no safeguarding at all?

Protect our children! Join us in this fight and help spread the word.

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